We've been so busy with our orders recently we totally forgot to announce the arrival of some new people on our team ! Doh ! So, we're going to correct that right here, right now !
First up, there's Kim, our new Sales Manager, Kim is from sunny South Africa, just don't get her started on the British weather, apparently in Durban it never goes below about 25 degrees, shame huh ! Kim is upbeat and positive so she fits in brilliantly with our team + we're really pleased that she's joined us !
Team Ireland have just come on board with us, thats Paul, Jackie, Sandra and Michael, they live in four different corners of Ireland so there'll always be one of them in easy reach of you if you live in Ireland or Eire ! We're really happy to have them on board :-)
Team Wales, are Jemma, Steve and Tanya, some of you may already know them, or have met them at the Spring Fair, they just pointed out that we didn't send out a letter of introduction for them, so we're putting that right today.....
We want to say hi to them and welcome them on board too.... So now we've got complete coverage, except for a sliver down the middle of the country, but we're working on that too...
Have a fabulous day !